

  1. 答:看了原因和对策,分析还算较详细。最好前面再加一章,员工流失的现状,这样全文就更加饱满了。不懂可。。问。。我。。呢
  1. 答:【摘要】: 知识经济时代,知识型员工成为企业生存和发展的关键因素,知识型员工的重要性也得到越来越为重要的体现。可是随着经济的发展,企业知识型员工的流失己经成为相当普遍的现象,尤其是对于IT企业,流失者人数之多、频率之高、影响之深,己引起企业高层领导的关注。居高不下的员工流失率,以及随之而来的成本增加、资源重置、客户流失等问题,已经严重影响了诸多企业的进一步健康发展,如何合理地解决这一问题成了企业家和管理学专家所关注的焦点。 IT企业是专门从事知识的生产或以知识的生产为主的企业,其本质特征决定了其对知识型员工具有强烈的依赖性。由于创意、信息和技术越来越成为产品的构成成分,产品和服务中的知识含量增大,企业的发展在很大程度上取决于所拥有的创造知识的能力和技术水平,因此,作为知识和技能载体的知识型员工成为IT企业发展的战略性资源。 论文首先介绍了该文章的研究背景、研究目的及意义、研究的方法及创新之处、研究问题的思路和框架、研究综述。然后阐述了知识型员工的定义、特点、需求和IT企业知识型员工的特殊特征,介绍了员工流失的一些基本理论,包括员工流失的概念及分类、员工流动的必要性和必然性、员工流失的基本模型。接着分析了IT企业知识型员工流失的现状与影响,同时用调查问卷的方法分析了我国IT企业知识型员工流失的原因,为防止我国IT企业知识型员工流失提出几点对策。 该文的贡献之处在于通过对调查问卷结果的分析,确定出IT企业知识型员工流失的主要原因,从而提出了一些具体的可操作的降低知识型员工流失、留住知识型员工的应对措施,为其他IT企业的人力资源管理提供借鉴作用。
  2. 答:gsaaaaaaaaaaaae
  1. 答:The general petes is especially fierce with Chinese going into the society , talented person , talented person leaving office and mentality about employment will open to the outside world further but, new idea this call for enterprise talented person is managed needing to have. The main body of a book current situation and cause trying to run off from enterprise employee start off , fish for the measure having an effect to control enterprise brain drain xun meter, to boost enterprise developing healthy , speedy much better.
  2. 答:With China's accession to the wto, the talented person'petition will be more intense, but leave the talent and employment concept, this requirement will further open the enterprise management needs a new idea. This article attempts from the enterprise staffs loss situation and reasons for effective control of the enterprise, the loss of talented people, in order to better promote healthy and fast development of enterprises.
  3. 答:With China entry to WTO, petition for talents is more and more severe, people will be more open minded for the idea of resignation and employment , it demands enterprise to establish new concept of talent management. The article will initiate from the reason and present status of staff leaving, and searches for action plan to control staff leaving efficiently so as to facilitate and develop enterprise healthily and rapidly.
  4. 答:Along with China's being WTO entry, talented person'petition will be more intense, but talented person's leaving job further will open with the employment idea, this request enterprise's talented person will manage needs to have the new idea.This article attempts the present situation and the reason which drains from the enterprise staff embarks, inquired about the active control enterprise brain drain the measure, by promotes the enterprise health, to develop fast well.
