

  1. 答:这是一种新的应用写作文体,这种文源肆字体裁是随着现代科学研究活动计划性的增强和科研选题程序化管理的需要应运而生的。 开题报告是由选题者把自己所选的课题的概况(即"开题报告内容"),向有关专家、学者、科技人员进行陈述。然后由他们对科研课题进行评议。亦可采用"德尔菲法"评分;再由科研管理部门综合评议的意见,确定是否批准这一选题。开题报告作为毕业论文答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。 开题报告包括总述、关键技术、可行性分析和时间安排等四个方面猛裂雀 。由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构枝早想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题写清楚。开题报告一般为表格式,它把要报告的每一项内容转换成相应的栏目,这样做,既便于开题报告按栏目填写,避免遗漏;又便于评审者一目了然,把握要点。
  1. 答:Purpose
    To investigate the differences among the rates of the cataract victims, surgical operations, surgical operation coverage of the blind caused by cataract and the social costs of the blind caused by cataract with the target research group being on the 50 years old or over who reside in the urban and rural areas of Chongqing City and to therefore provide data basis for the treatment of the cataract victims.
  2. 答:Purpose of the investigation::
    To investigate the rate of cataract victims among the age of 50 or over 50 years old in ChongQin, and the rate of the being operated, the differences between the coverage of the operation and the different burden of the society on this operation , in order to provid a basis for the cataract prevention.
  3. 答:Objective to investigate the chongqing urban and rural 50 years old and above crowd cataract prevalence, the rate of surgery, cataracts blind surgery coverage and cataract blind society for the prevention and control FuDanLv difference, cataract, provides the basis.
  4. 答:我想这应该是要用于调研报告或之类的(基碧我也常要写这个),所以翻译腊稿成了完整的句子,希望对你有轮锋孝帮助。
    Through investigating the differences among the rates of the cataract victims, surgical operations, surgical operation coverage and the social cost of the cataract blind who are 50 years old or over in the urban and rural areas of Chongqing City,it provides data basis for the treatment of the cataract victims.
  5. 答:perpose: investigate the rate of catching cataract among the 50 or over 50 years old in ChongQin, and the rate of being operated, the differences between the coverage of the operation of the blind and the burden of the society of this operation of the blind, providing a basis for the cataract prevention.
  1. 答:最好的翻译软件,阿里旺旺上翻译的可以,是专门用在外交上的,连专业术语都可以翻译,自己去翻译了看看。
  2. 答:太难了,英语专业大二水平根本不够啊
  3. 答:其实用翻译软件也挺好的,只要别整段整段的翻译
  4. 答:呵呵 我是可以帮你翻 可是我的论文要DEADLINE了 语言哲学与翻译
  5. 答:what the......
  6. 答:我要是能反出来。我怕段唯外国朋友也看不懂哦。
